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Checkpoint 156-110 Exam Dumps - Valid Questions Answers

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156-110 Questions and Answers

Question # 1

At ABC Corporation, access to critical information resources, such as database and e-mail servers, is controlled by the information-technology (IT) department. The supervisor in the department grants access to printers where the printer is located. Managers grant and revoke rights to files within their departments' directories on the file server, but the IT department controls who has access to the directories. Which type of access-management system is in use at ABC Corporation?


Centralized access management


Role-based access management


Hybrid access management


Decentralized access management


Privileged access management

Question # 2

When attempting to identify OPSEC indicators, information-security professionals must: (Choose THREE.)


Discover the information daily activities yield.


Meet with adversaries.


Perform business impact analysis surveys.


Scrutinize their organizations' daily activities.


Analyze indicators, to determine the information an adversary can glean ?both from routine and nonroutine activities.

Question # 3

You are a system administrator for a pool of Web servers. The vendor who sells your Web server posts a patch and sample exploit for a newly discovered vulnerability. You will take all of the actions listed below. Which of the following actions should you take first?


Run the sample exploit against a test server.


Run the sample exploit against a production server.


Apply the patch to all production servers.


Test the patch on a production server.


Test the patch on a non-production server.

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Our Checkpoint 156-110 study material is created by a team of Checkpoint professionals who have years of experience in the industry. They keep themselves updated with the latest 156-110exam trends and make sure that our material is always up-to-date.

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