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For translation purposes, the Financials reporting team has decided to load the monthly Historical currency rates by using File-Based Data Interface (FBDI).
What happens to the existing historical rate for a specific ledger, currency, account combination, and accounting period if they use insert in the spreadsheet?
You are using account hierarchies for reporting and allocations.
Which two statements are true about these types of hierarchies? (Choose two.)
Your customer uses Financials Cloud, Projects, Inventory, and SCM.
Which two statements are true regarding intercompany accounting for these products? (Choose two.)
Cameron - 02-Dec-2024
I owe my success to's exam practice. Their study materials and support ensured I passed my Oracle 1z0-1054-23 exam!
Agapios - 26-Sep-2024's exam study guide was comprehensive. Their Oracle 1z0-1054-23 exam techniques and preparation course gave me the confidence to achieve certification!
While there are no formal prerequisites, it's recommended to have experience with:
The 1z0-1054-23 Exam focuses on the General Ledger functionality within Oracle Cloud Financials. The 1z0-1056-23 Exam, however, assesses your skills in Oracle Cloud Financials Cloud Account Receivables.