The Saturn Project team has been tasked to develop a Virtual Machine Snapshot workflow. However, when completing initial testing, the workflow does not work. As the Cloud Administrator. you have been tasked with the following:
1. Ensure that the vCenter Server is included in the vRO inventory.
2. Review, troubleshoot and resolve any issues in the workflow.
3. Make sure the workflow runs successfully.
4. Make sure all snapshots created by the workflow follow the required naming standard.
Information required to complete the task:
• vRealize Automation URL. vr-automation.cofp.local
• Cloud Admin Username: vcapadmin@corp.local
• Cloud Admin Password: VMware1!
• vCenter Connection properties:
• vRealize Orchestrator Workflow: Create a Salurn Snapshot
o Workflow Details:
o Inputs:
• vm [VC:VirtualMachine]
• name [string)
o Outputs:
• snapshot (VC:VirtualMachineSnapshot]
• Workflow Run Details:
o Target Virtual Machine: core-A
o Name: q7
• Snapshot naming standard: [name]-|VM Name]-Saturn-snapshot