control.realmX.example.com _ workstation.lab.example.com
node1.realmX.example.com _ servera.lab.example.com
node2.realmX.example.com _ serverb.lab.example.com
node3.realmX.example.com _ serverc.lab.example.com
node4.realmX.example.com _ serverd.lab.example.com
- username:root, password:redhat
- username:admin, password:redhat
note1. don’t change ‘root’ or ‘admin’ password.
note2. no need to create ssh-keygen for access, its pre-defined
note3. SELinux is in enforcing mode and firewalld is disabled/stop on whole managed hosts.
Create an Ansible vault to store user passwords as follows:
* The name of the vault is valut.yml
* The vault contains two variables as follows:
- dev_pass with value wakennym
- mgr_pass with value rocky
* The password to encrypt and decrypt the vault is atenorth
* The password is stored in the file /home/admin/ansible/password.txt