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Hitachi HH0-300 Exam Dumps - Valid Questions Answers

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Importance of Hitachi HH0-300 Exam Dumps Questions:

HH0-300 exam dumps are very important when it comes to the preparation of certification exam. Exam Dumps provide you with examination Hall scenario like what kind of Questions and answers are going to be included in the exam. Top Hitachi exam dumps available at valid4sure are very facilitating for our candidates appearing for HH0-300 certification exam. IT experts consider exam dumps a vital part of the preparation of HITACHI DATA SYSTEMS CERTIFIED EXPERT - REPLICATION SOLUTIONS ARCHITECT certification exam.


Testing Engine available at Valid4sure is very helping for the candidates appearing for the exam. It helps you in assessing your preparation for the HH0-300 HITACHI DATA SYSTEMS CERTIFIED EXPERT - REPLICATION SOLUTIONS ARCHITECT exam. If you are weak in any area of your certification exam, it will help you in strengthening the weak area of your certification exam.

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HH0-300 Questions and Answers

Question # 1

Which two factors will affect ShadowImage resync time? (Choose two.)


Number of data copies


Incoming host write workload


Installed shared memory capacity


Number of tracks updated while suspended

Question # 2

You are designing an asynchronous replication solution for a customer. The customer would like to replicate a database and transaction logs. The customer experienced an unplanned outage.

In this scenario, which statement is true?


Log volumes will contain all transactions.


The database can be recovered to current state.


Log volumes may not contain all transactions.


The database cannot be recovered.

Question # 3

Your customer is determined to conduct disaster recovery testing with the Hitachi Universal Replicator volume in a read/write state at the secondary site. The test will take 4 hours and they have a 4-hour RPO.

Which two impacts will this have on their ability to recover from a disaster? (Choose two.)


The customer will exceed their RPO at the end of the test.


The customer will have protection from logical corruption during the test.


The customer will be at risk from a disaster at the primary site.


The customer will be within their RPO at the end of the test.

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