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Update date : 18-Feb-2025
QA: 483 Answers With In-Depth Explanation
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Updated : 18-Feb-2025
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SAP-C02 PDF Package

SAP-C02 PDF Exam (Downloadable)
Latest 2025 Syllabus Topics Included
Updated : 18-Feb-2025
QA : 483 Answers With In-Depth Explanation
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SAP-C02 Question and answers Include

Total Questions: 483 Q&A's
Single Choice: 385 Q&A's
Multiple Choice: 98 Q&A's

Amazon Web Services SAP-C02 Exam Dumps - Valid Questions Answers

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Importance of Amazon Web Services SAP-C02 Exam Dumps Questions:

SAP-C02 exam dumps are very important when it comes to the preparation of certification exam. Exam Dumps provide you with examination Hall scenario like what kind of Questions and answers are going to be included in the exam. Top Amazon Web Services exam dumps available at valid4sure are very facilitating for our candidates appearing for SAP-C02 certification exam. IT experts consider exam dumps a vital part of the preparation of AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional certification exam.

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SAP-C02 Questions and Answers

Question # 1

A company is implementing a serverless architecture by using AWS Lambda functions that need to access a Microsoft SQL Server DB instance on Amazon RDS. The company has separate environments for development and production, including a clone of the database system.

The company's developers are allowed to access the credentials for the development database. However, the credentials for the production database must be encrypted with a key that only members of the IT security team's IAM user group can access. This key must be rotated on a regular basis.

What should a solutions architect do in the production environment to meet these requirements?


Store the database credentials in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store by using a SecureString parameter that is encrypted by an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) customer managed key. Attach a role to each Lambda function to provide access to the SecureString parameter. Restrict access to the Securestring parameter and the customer managed key so that only the IT security team can access the parameter and the key.


Encrypt the database credentials by using the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) default Lambda key. Store the credentials in the environment variables of each Lambda function. Load the credentials from the environment variables in the Lambda code. Restrict access to the KMS key o that only the IT security team can access the key.


Store the database credentials in the environment variables of each Lambda function. Encrypt the environment variables by using an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) customer managed key. Restrict access to the customer managed key so that only the IT security team can access the key.


Store the database credentials in AWS Secrets Manager as a secret that is associated with an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) customer

managed key. Attach a role to each Lambda function to provide access to the secret. Restrict access to the secret and the customer managed key so that only the IT security team can access the secret and the key.

Question # 2

A company has an application in the AWS Cloud. The application runs on a fleet of 20 Amazon EC2 instances. The EC2 instances are persistent and store data on multiple attached Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes.

The company must maintain backups in a separate AWS Region. The company must be able to recover the EC2 instances and their configuration within I business day, with loss of no more than I day's worth of data. The company has limited staff and needs a backup solution that optimizes operational efficiency and cost. The company already has created an AWS CloudFormation template that can deploy the required network configuration in a secondary Region.

Which solution will meet these requirements?


Create a second CloudFormation template that can recreate the EC2 instances in the secondary Region. Run daily multivolume snapshots by using AWS Systems Manager Automation runbooks. Copy the snapshots to the secondary Region. In the event of a failure, launch the CloudFormation templates, restore the EBS volumes from snapshots, and transfer usage to the secondary Region.


Use Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager (Amazon DLM) to create daily multivolume snapshots of the EBS volumes. In the event of a failure, launch the

CloudFormation template and use Amazon DLM to restore the EBS volumes and transfer usage to the secondary Region.


Use AWS Backup to create a scheduled daily backup plan for the EC2 instances. Configure the backup task to copy the backups to a vault in the secondary Region. In the event of a failure, launch the CloudFormation template, restore the instance volumes and configurations from the backup vault, and transfer usage to the secondary Region.


Deploy EC2 instances of the same size and configuration to the secondary Region. Configure AWS DataSync daily to copy data from the primary Region to the secondary Region. In the event of a failure, launch the CloudFormation template and transfer usage to the secondary Region.

Question # 3

A company has a new application that needs to run on five Amazon EC2 instances in a single AWS Region. The application requires high-through put. low-latency network connections between all to the EC2 instances where the application will run. There is no requirement for the application to be fault tolerant.

Which solution will meet these requirements?


Launch five new EC2 instances into a cluster placement group. Ensure that the EC2 instance type supports enhanced networking.


Launch five new EC2 instances into an Auto Scaling group in the same Availability Zone. Attach an extra elastic network interface to each EC2 instance.


Launch five new EC2 instances into a partition placement group. Ensure that the EC2 instance type supports enhanced networking.


Launch five new EC2 instances into a spread placement group Attach an extra elastic network interface to each EC2 instance.

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FAQs for Amazon Web Services SAP-C02 Exam Dumps

What is Amazon Web Services SAP-C02 exam?

The Amazon Web Services SAP-C02 exam, also known as the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional exam, is designed for individuals who perform a solutions architect role. This certification validates advanced technical skills and experience in designing distributed applications and systems on the AWS platform.

What is the format of Amazon Web Services SAP-C02 exam?

The AWS SAP-C02 exam consists of 75 questions, which are a mix of multiple-choice and multiple-response formats. The exam duration is 180 minutes, and it can be taken at a Pearson VUE testing center or through an online proctored exam.

What is the Amazon Web Services SAP-C02 exam focused on?

The Amazon Web Services SAP-C02 exam focuses on advanced skills in designing and deploying scalable, highly available, and fault-tolerant systems on AWS. It covers topics such as cost optimization, security, and complex architectural designs.

What is the worth of taking the AWS Certified Professional SAP-C02 exam?

Earning the AWS Certified Professional SAP-C02 certification demonstrates your expertise in AWS architecture and can significantly enhance your career prospects. It is highly regarded in the industry and can lead to better job opportunities and higher salaries.

Is the AWS Certified Professional SAP-C02 exam easy?

The SAP-C02 exam is challenging due to its advanced level of content. It requires a deep understanding of AWS services and hands-on experience in designing and deploying AWS-based applications.

What is the passing score for the Amazon Web Services SAP-C02 exam?

The passing score for the SAP-C02 exam is 750 out of 1000.

What is the difference between Amazon Web Services SAP-C02 and DOP-C02 exams?

The SAP-C02 Exam is for solutions architects and focuses on designing and deploying scalable systems on AWS. The DOP-C02 Exam, on the other hand, is for DevOps engineers and focuses on continuous delivery and automation of processes using AWS services.

What study materials does Valid4sure offer for the AWS Certified Professional SAP-C02 exam?

Valid4sure offers SAP-C02 PDF questions, a testing engine and a comprehensive SAP-C02 study guide. These our SAP-C02 study materials are designed to help you understand the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional exam concepts and practice effectively.

Are there free demo of SAP-C02 questions and answers available on Valid4sure?

Yes, Valid4sure offers free demo of the SAP-C02 questions and answers. These demos allow you to get a feel for the type of questions that will be on the exam and assess the quality of the SAP-C02 study materials.