Which of the following are valid stream redirection operators within Bash? (Choose two.)
Which of the following vi commands deletes two lines, the current and the following line?
Which program runs a command in specific intervals and refreshes the display of the program’s output? (Specify ONLY the command without any path or parameters.)
The command dbmaint & was used to run dbmaint in the background. However, dbmaint is terminated after logging out of the system. Which alternative dbmaint invocation lets dbmaint continue to run even when the user running the program logs out?
Which of the following commands prints a list of usernames (first column) and their primary group (fourth column) from the /etc/passwd file?
Consider the following directory:
drwxrwxr-x 2 root sales 4096 Jan 1 15:21 sales
Which command ensures new files created within the directory sales are owned by the group sales? (Choose two.)
Which umask value ensures that new directories can be read, written and listed by their owning user, read and listed by their owning group and are not accessible at all for everyone else?