What would be a reason to use the command cphaosu stat?
To determine the number of connections from OPSEC software using Open Source Licenses.
To decide when to fail over traffic to a new cluster member.
This is not a valid command.
To see the policy install dates on each of the members in the cluster.
How do you clear the connections table?
Run the command fw tab –t connections –x
In Gateway Properties > Optimizations click Clear connections table
Run the command fw tab –t conns –c
Run the command fw tab –t connections –c
When viewing connections using the command fw tab -t connections, all entries are displayed with a 6-tuple key, the elements of the 6-tuple include the following EXCEPT:
destination port number
source port number
direction (inbound / outbound)
interface id
How do you set up Port Address Translation?
Since Hide NAT changes to random high ports it is by definition PAT (Port Address Translation).
Create a manual NAT rule and specify the source and destination ports.
Edit the service in SmartDashboard, click on the NAT tab and specify the translated port.
Port Address Translation is not support in Check Point environment