In JavaScript, ++x+ will add one to the value of x after the assignment is complete.
JavaScript and _____________ are scripting languages that are similar in purpose. Both extend the capabilities of static Web pages.
___________ is JavaScript's server-side solution. It enables you to connect Web pages to databases, as well as enable server-side image maps and save client state so that the computer will remember where the client is in a multi-page preocess.
__________ is used frequently in JavaScript to combine text strings, especially in conjunction with prompt() and alert().
JavaScript is an event-driven programming language. Events trigger _________.
document.cookie = "name = value"; or document.cookie = "name = value;expi
es = date"; are both proper syntax for assigning cookies in JavaScript.
What is the following?
Set-Cookie: name=Value: expires=date; path=path; domain=domain; secure