Your customer would like an Entry Tracking Variable that is usually not stored. They want it for various programs and it should be stored in a PET table.
How should you achieve this?
You havereceived requirements to create Connect Event Data Feed exports for two different integration projects. The client wishes to create two CED feeds, both including the Sent feed.
What should you do?
You are designing a program that requires the use of a value that is not stored in the Responsys data model and is only temporarily required for use in the program.
What could you use to fulfill this requirement?
The executive tearn loves your Insight reports, but has limited knowledge of the Responsys menus.
As the Responsys Administrator,how can you provide a custom report that the team can easily access from the Insight menu?
You uploaded into the Responsys Content Library an HTML document and three subdocuments personalized with the member level of the subscriber. When you validate the campaign, you get this error: "Email Message preview failed because of template execution runtime error, detailed error: property MEMBER_LEVEL for datasource CONTACTS is not defined in the datasources."
How should you correct this error?