Your organization may require an annual performance evaluation that includes any or all of thesections.
Which four section types are valid for performance document template sections?
The Performance document has an approval step right after the manager Evaluation step in a Performance process flow which also has a Self Evaluation step. In the same performance process flow, the option of “Evaluation tasks can be performed concurrently†is selected.
What happens to the document control when the approval task is triggered and the document approver rejects the approval request?
You have created a talent review dashboard and have not enabled the holding area. One of the workers has not been rated before the talent review meeting.
Where would you see the worker during the talent review meeting?
Whena descriptive flexfield is deployed for a goal template, which will that flexfield will be visible for?
What is the maximum number of section types that you can configure in aperformance template to meet the requirements of a semiannual evaluation of a company and what are the section types?