Your organization has decided to use the automatic reconciliation feature to reconcile bank statement lines with system transactions. Which three components will be useful for the auto-matic reconciliation of bank statements with system transactions? (Choose three.)
Glenn Systems has decided to create accounting for payments at the time of issuing, as well as at the time of clearing the payments. Which accounting entry will be generated by the sys-tem when the payment gets reconciled with a bank statement line? (Choose the best Answer.)
Easy Solutions INC has operations in the USA, UK, and Germany. USA is the parent entity and it has two subsidiary entities in UK and Germany. USA and UK entities are sharing the same chart of accounts and calendar, whereas the Germany entity has a different chart of ac-count and calendar due to some statutory requirements. Which consolidation method would you recommend to consolidate the financials balances of the Germany entity with the parent entity in the USA? (Choose the best Answer.)
Ganesh works for Glenn Systems as a General Accountant and he has a requirement to create periodic allocations at the end of the month to distribute welfare expenses. The allocations will be based on headcounts in each department. In which currency should the journal entry be created to load the headcounts? (Choose the best Answer.)