Oracle Enterprise Repository (OER) provides several key capabilities of SOA Infrastructure. Select two capabilities provided by Oracle Enterprise Repository.
Policy enforcement - enforce policies through gateways (self-contained modules) and agents
Dependency analysis - the ability to navigate taxonomies and asset relationships to facilitate
Impact analysis based on Inter-dependency
Service discovery - facilitates Service discovery by providing a means to locate potential Serviceseither through taxonomy navigation, or direct search
Performance management - measures and monitors the availability and performance of Services for historical trending, troubleshooting, and root cause analysis purposes
The goal of the SOA Governance Framework is to enable organizations to define and deploy their own focused and customized SOA Governance Model.
Since aspects of the SOA Governance Model require culture change, an SOA Governance Regimen should never be deployed in a big-bang approach. The framework defines an incremental deployment approach so that organizations can continue to meet their current demands while moving towards their long-term goals for SOA.