How does Cascade performance analytics assist with Performance Monitoring?
By setting static thresholds for Application metrics and Interface metrics, tolerance can be determined. Cascade will use these thresholds and tolerances to report on deviations indicative of Performance problems.
The Customer only needs to identify their critical interfaces and applications, and Cascade will automatically baseline their behavior and report on deviations indicative of Performance problems.
The Performance Analytics are able to detect security threats such as host scans and worms.
After base-lining, Cascade can re-route congested traffic to avoid congested application delivery paths.
What benefit can Cascade provide with no WAN optimization product deployed?
It cannot provide any benefits.
Cascade provides benefits beyond optimization reporting to include Application Performance Monitoring, Security/Compliance benefits, and general Network Visibility..
The firewall capabilities of Cascade can still be utilized on the network to prevent network attacks.
Cascade can monitor spanning tree algorithms as reporting benefits in a given network.