What does the bytes 0x0B-0x53 represent in the boot sector of NTFS volume on Windows 2000?
The given image displays information about date and time of installation of the OS along with service packs, patches, and sub-directories. What command or tool did the investigator use to view this output?
A company’s policy requires employees to perform file transfers using protocols which encrypt traffic. You suspect some employees are still performing file transfers using unencrypted protocols because the employees don’t like changes. You have positioned a network sniffer to capture traffic from the laptops used by employees in the data ingest department. Using Wireshark to examine the captured traffic, which command can be used as a display filter to find unencrypted file transfers?
Which of the following does Microsoft Exchange E-mail Server use for collaboration of various e-mail applications?
An investigator has acquired packed software and needed to analyze it for the presence of malice. Which of the following tools can help in finding the packaging software used?
MAC filtering is a security access control methodology, where a ___________ is assigned to each network card to determine access to the network.
Which of the following Android libraries are used to render 2D (SGL) or 3D (OpenGL/ES) graphics content to the screen?