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Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 Engine Package

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Updated : 21-Feb-2025
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Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 PDF Package

Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 PDF Exam (Downloadable)
Latest 2025 Syllabus Topics Included
Updated : 21-Feb-2025
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Databricks Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 Exam Dumps - Valid Questions Answers

Turning your Dream of Becoming a Successful IT Specialist into Reality

You have a number of opportunities in the field of IT if you take certification exam. Valid4sure is your only choice to go ahead with your choice of expertise in a Databricks Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 certification exam.

Importance of Databricks Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 Exam Dumps Questions:

Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 exam dumps are very important when it comes to the preparation of certification exam. Exam Dumps provide you with examination Hall scenario like what kind of Questions and answers are going to be included in the exam. Top Databricks exam dumps available at valid4sure are very facilitating for our candidates appearing for Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 certification exam. IT experts consider exam dumps a vital part of the preparation of Databricks Certified Associate Developer for Apache Spark 3.0 Exam certification exam.

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Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 Questions and Answers

Question # 1

The code block displayed below contains an error. The code block should use Python method find_most_freq_letter to find the letter present most in column itemName of DataFrame itemsDf and

return it in a new column most_frequent_letter. Find the error.

Code block:

1. find_most_freq_letter_udf = udf(find_most_freq_letter)

2. itemsDf.withColumn("most_frequent_letter", find_most_freq_letter("itemName"))


Spark is not using the UDF method correctly.


The UDF method is not registered correctly, since the return type is missing.


The "itemName" expression should be wrapped in col().


UDFs do not exist in PySpark.


Spark is not adding a column.

Question # 2

The code block shown below should set the number of partitions that Spark uses when shuffling data for joins or aggregations to 100. Choose the answer that correctly fills the blanks in the code

block to accomplish this.


__1__.__2__.__3__(__4__, 100)


1. spark

2. conf

3. set

4. "spark.sql.shuffle.partitions"


1. pyspark

2. config

3. set

4. spark.shuffle.partitions


1. spark

2. conf

3. get

4. "spark.sql.shuffle.partitions"


1. pyspark

2. config

3. set

4. "spark.sql.shuffle.partitions"


1. spark

2. conf

3. set

4. "spark.sql.aggregate.partitions"

Question # 3

Which of the following code blocks performs an inner join of DataFrames transactionsDf and itemsDf on columns productId and itemId, respectively, excluding columns value and storeId from

DataFrame transactionsDf and column attributes from DataFrame itemsDf?


transactionsDf.drop('value', 'storeId').join(itemsDf.select('attributes'), transactionsDf.productId==itemsDf.itemId)





4.spark.sql("SELECT -value, -storeId FROM transactionsDf INNER JOIN itemsDf ON productId==itemId").drop("attributes")


transactionsDf.drop("value", "storeId").join(itemsDf.drop("attributes"), "transactionsDf.productId==itemsDf.itemId")


1.transactionsDf \

2. .drop(col('value'), col('storeId')) \

3. .join(itemsDf.drop(col('attributes')), col('productId')==col('itemId'))





4.statement = """

5.SELECT * FROM transactionsDf

6.INNER JOIN itemsDf

7.ON transactionsDf.productId==itemsDf.itemId


9.spark.sql(statement).drop("value", "storeId", "attributes")

Our Satisfied Customers Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 Exam Reviews

Tracey    -    29-Oct-2024

I am thrilled to have passed my Databricks Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 exam with the help of Valid4sure.com. Their study guide was comprehensive and provided me with the necessary knowledge to succeed. I highly recommend their study materials.

Somerford    -    17-Sep-2024

The real exams questions and answers provided by Valid4sure were key to my success in the Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 certification exam. Thank you!

Chana    -    14-Aug-2024

Valid4sure's Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 study material is top-notch. Their verified questions and answers ensured my success. Trust them for sure!

FAQs for Databricks Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 Exam Dumps

What is Databricks Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 exam?

The Databricks Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 exam is a certification test that assesses your understanding of the Spark DataFrame API and your ability to perform basic data manipulation tasks within a Spark session.

What is the format of Databricks Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 exam?

The exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions that need to be completed within 120 minutes. The questions are distributed across various topics, including Apache Spark architecture concepts, applications, and DataFrame API applications.

What is the Databricks Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 exam focused on?

The Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 exam focuses on assessing your ability to:

  • Understand core Apache Spark concepts like distributed processing, RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets), and DataFrames.
  • Apply the Spark DataFrame API for data manipulation tasks like filtering, sorting, aggregation, joining, and working with missing values.
  • Utilize User-Defined Functions (UDFs) and Spark SQL functions for advanced data processing.
  • Read, write, and partition DataFrames with schemas.

What is the worth of taking the Databricks Certification Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 exam?

Earning this certification demonstrates your proficiency in using Apache Spark, which is highly valued in the data engineering and data science fields. It can enhance your career prospects and validate your skills to potential employers.

What are the prerequisites for the Databricks Certification Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 exam?

There are no formal prerequisites for the Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 exam, but it is recommended that candidates have a working knowledge of either Python or Scala and experience with the Spark DataFrame API.

What is the difference between Databricks Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-2.4 and Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 exams?

The primary difference lies in the versions of Apache Spark covered. The Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 Exam includes updates and new features introduced in Spark 3.0, while the Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-2.4 Exam focuses on the features available in Spark 2.4.

How to prepare for the Databricks Certification Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 exam?

To prepare, you should study the official Databricks documentation on Apache Spark 3.0, complete hands-on exercises, and practice with mock exams. Valid4sure offers updated Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 dumps questions and study guides that can help you understand the exam pattern and frequently asked questions.

How can I take Valid4sure Databricks Certification Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 exam study materials?

Simply visit Valid4sure's website, add your desired (PDF, study guide or testing engine) materials to your cart, and proceed with payment. You'll receive instant access to the Databricks-Certified-Associate-Developer-for-Apache-Spark-3.0 study materials after completing the purchase.