Given the SAS data set WORK.EMP_NAME:
Given the SAS data set WORK.EMP_DEPT:
The following program is submitted:
How many observations are in data set WORK.ALL after submitting the program?
The SAS data set WORK.ONE contains a numeric variable named Num ana character variable named Char:
Num Char
------ ------
1 23
3 23
1 77
The following SAS program is submitted:
proc print data=WORK.ONE;
where Num='1';
What is output?
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.test;
array items{3} _temporary_;
What are the names of the variable(s) in the WORKTEST data set?
The following SAS program is submitted:
data test;
infile ‘file specification’;
input name $ amount@@;
Which of the following is true?
The SAS data set named WORK.SALARY contains 10 observations for each department, and is currently ordered by Department. The following SAS program is submitted:
Which statement is true?
The following SAS program is submitted:
data work.passengers;
if OrigPassengers = . then'
OrigPassengers = 100;
TransPassengers = 100;
OrigPassengers = .;
TotalPassengers = sum (OrigPassengers, TransPassengers) +0;
What is the value of the TOTALPASSENGERS variable in the output data set?
Given the contents of the raw data file TYPECOLOR.DAT:
The following SAS program is submitted:
What are the values of the variables Type and Color?