Given the following SAS data set named WORK.INTERNAT:
USA 30
EUR 40
The following SAS program is submitted:
%let LOC = Usa;
proc sql;
select *
from internat
where location = "&Loc";
Which one of the following is the result when the above code is executed on the above data set?
The following SAS program is submitted:
%let var = chicago, 1;
data a;
var = 'new york, 2';
newvar = %scan(&var,2,%str());
Which one of the following explains why the program fails to execute?
Which one of the following should be avoided when creating and using an SQL procedure view?
What is generated as a result of submitting the RANUNI function with a seed of 123?
Which one of the following displays the definition of a stored SQL procedure view in the
SAS log?