Which of the following statements describe the trace/D and spanID in a service tracking system (such as Zipkin) correctly? (Number of correct answers: 3)
For business scenarios with strong data reliability requirements or financial business scenarios with regulatory requirements related to data durability and availability, RDS MySQL provides a remote backup mechanism to improve reliability. Which of the following is correct, regarding RDS's remote disaster recovery capabilities? (Number of correct answers: 3)
Which of the following options correctly describes CloudMonitor Custom Monitoring and Custom Events? (Number of correct answers; 2)
A developer accesses logs in a Log Service Logstore via the API. The error code returned by the server is 404. Which of these could be the cause?
Alibaba Cloud's ECS disk snapshotting tool can create crash-consistent snapshots for all types of Cloud Disks. It is a convenient and efficient disaster recovery method. It is often used for data backup, custom mirroring, application disaster recovery, etc. Which of the following is NOT a correct description of disk snapshots?