It refers to items such as interest paid on proceeds from the date due to the date actually disbursed, and to interest on premium deposit funds. These interest items are reflected by the increase in reserves or liability, from one year to the next. What is it?
Coverage of risks that do not fit normal underwriting patterns and that are not commensurate with standard rates is normally refers to as:
Adjusting and Others (AO) reserves are often provided for by using the calendar year paid-to-paid method rather than the accident year paid-to-paid method used for Inflation in Defense & Cost Containment (DCC) reserves.
The balloon payment technique uses level payments of principal and interest but for a shorter period than is required to retire the loan fully during its term. For example, a loan with a 8.5 percent interest rate utilizing a 25-year amortization schedule with a 7-year maturity results in only $111 of each $l,000 principal being repaid. Thus, $889 of each $l,000 originally borrowed constitutes the balloon amount due at maturity.
To meet informational demands, internal management reporting will entail alternate views of the organization’s financial performance. These areas, or views, are including all of the following EXCEPT:
With which standard, the auditor’s substantive procedures must include reconciling the financial statements to the accounting records and should include examining material adjustments made during the course of preparing the financial statements.
When a retained asset account is established in the place of a cash settlement, an interest bearing account is created by the insurer for the beneficiary. The beneficiary receives a checkbook with which to draw upon funds in the new account. The account holder can make: