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BA3 Exam Dumps - Fundamentals of financial accounting

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Question # 49

Refer to the Exhibit.

From the following information, calculate the value of sales for the period:

Value of sales is

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Question # 50

Which one of the following will not be found in a statement of changes in equity?


General reserve


Ordinary shares




Share premium account

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Question # 51

Refer to the Exhibit.

A business which is not VAT registered, purchased stationery items on credit costing £500 excluding VAT. The rate of VAT on the goods was 17.5%.

What are the correct ledger entries?

The answer is:


Option A


Option B


Option C


Option D

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Question # 52

A company has a receivables balance at the end of the year of £120,000. The company maintains an allowance for receivables at 3% of closing receivables. The opening balance on the allowance was £ 2,880. During the year bad debts of £ 3,000 were written off

The total charge for bad debts for the year is £

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Question # 53

An increase in work-in-progress will:


Decrease the factory cost of goods completed


Increase the prime cost


Decrease the prime cost


Increase the cost of goods sold

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Question # 54

A club receives subscriptions during 2006 of £4600. Of these £500 related to subscriptions in respect of 2005 and £400 related to subscriptions in advance for 2007.

The accounts for 2005 included an accrual of £600 for subscriptions in arrears; the balance of £100 which has still not been received, should be written off.

The figure for subscriptions in the income and expenditure account for 2006 will be

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Question # 55

FGH has extracted its trial balance from its nominal ledger for the year ended 31 March 20X6 The items below have a value greater than SNil Which are debit and which are credit balances?

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Question # 56

Refer to the Exhibit.

A company that is VAT-registered has the following transactions for the month of March.

All purchases were in respect of goods for resale and all items were subject to VAT at 17.5%.

Opening inventory was $16,200 and closing inventory was $18,400.

The movement on the VAT account for the period was:


$13,125 debit


$13,125 credit


$15,422 debit


$15,422 credit

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