What master data can you integrate into a task list for a production order?
The QM control key in the procurement data of the material master controls all but one of the following indicator(Which function does not control) ?
Your customer requires the lab to use quantitate characteristics during a production result
Which result confirmation control indicators are available for quantitative results
You must assign a certification profile for outgoing certificates to key combination. What key combination that require no adjustment does SAP QM prove
For which of the following QM elements can the short text be maintained in only one language
Your consumer wants to receive quality certificates from its venders electronically. Where do you define the data and PDF transfer?
The adapt field selection function allows you to define a customer specific field selection for quality management screens. Where in the system can you make the adjustments?
Your customer plan to use Test Equipment Management as part of QM.
What event triggers the creation of an inspection lot for calibration inspection?
What is required in inspection planning to transfer a characteristic value from results recording of inspection lot processing.........
To use an inspection plan without multiple specification , you must assign a material master and plant. What additional data can you assign to an inspection plan?(2 correct Ans)
Your customer record defects a characteristic level with in result recording and wants to correct all defects for each inspection ,,,,,,,,,„ How do you satisfy the customer requirement?
Which QM master data must you maintain to separate a sample into a primary and reserve sample?
When you post a good receipt, where does the system check the current inspection stage for a material/vendor combination for upcoming inspection .
When creating a process order, what type of task list is primary used for inspection ? Correct 3
Your customer automatically create inspection lot for general deliveries in sales and distribution process for its production
If QM not started result recording what does the system do in response to a change in the material quality.................
An inspection plan group includes multiple inspection plans with different group counters. What determines the selected inspection plan when you create an inspection lot?
The quality inspector check the receipt of incoming certificates in the future, they want to manage the inbox for quality certificates
independently for goods receipts.
What do you activate to fulfill this requirement?
Which of the following does the system automatically do when you complete a stability? Correct 3
Working area settings are mandatory for inspection planning within the engineering workbench.
Which of the following are possible focuses for a working area? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
Your customer wants to add the quality score of a material as criterion for the vendor evaluation Where do you set the calculation procedure for the quality score:?
Your customer wants to periodically calibrate the quality management test equipment used
in an inspection plan .
Which type of test equipment must used ?