You have a consumer group of 12 consumers and when a consumer gets killed by the process management system, rather abruptly, it does not trigger a graceful shutdown of your consumer. Therefore, it takes up to 10 seconds for a rebalance to happen. The business would like to have a 3 seconds rebalance time. What should you do? (select two)
What happens when broker.rack configuration is provided in broker configuration in Kafka cluster?
A consumer has auto.offset.reset=latest, and the topic partition currently has data for offsets going from 45 to 2311. The consumer group never committed offsets for the topic before. Where will the consumer read from?
A topic has three replicas and you set min.insync.replicas to 2. If two out of three replicas are not available, what happens when a consume request is sent to broker?
Your topic is log compacted and you are sending a message with the key K and value null. What will happen?