The following user story has been developed:
As a customer of Alpha Airways who has booked a flight
I want to access the flight reservation
So that I can update the booking details
Which BDD scenario written in Gherkin format correctly applies to this user story?
You are testing a large e-commerce system for household goods that is being implemented using Agile methodologies You are currently working on deriving tests for stories that are implementing the following epic.
As a customer I want to use the e-commerce system, so that I can have my purchased goods delivered to my house.
The story you are currently working on is:
As a customer I want to be told when my items will be delivered, so I can plan to be home.
You have been given the following charter that was proposed by another tester for testing this story
Login as a customer, buy enough of each item to qualify for free shipping for each item checkout and verify that no shipping fee has been added.
What is the main flaw in this charter?
Which of the following correctly describes positive characteristic of unit tests?
Refactoring of test cases is needed in agile projects for many reasons.
Which of the following statements about the refactoring of test cases is correct?
You have to review the following user story that will be developed and tested during the next
As a potential conference attendee, I want to be able to register for the conference online, so that
registration is simple and paperless.
The following acceptance criteria are also mentioned:
i) Payment can be made via PayPal, Debit or Credit Cards
ii) An acknowledgement email is sent to the attendee after submitting the form
iii) Protection against spam is working as expected
iv) Information from the form is stored in the registrations database
v) All incorrect user inputs are flagged by the system
Which of the following correctly shows which acceptance criteria are testable?
Which of the following is an example of how continuous testing facilitates continuous delivery?
You have received this BDD test
Given that a customer enters the correct PIN When they request to make a withdrawal And they have enough money in their account Then they will receive the money And a receipt
Which of the following is the user story that best fits this BDD test?