supports up to 1080I dual-stream, which is the industry's highest dual-stream processing capability.
Horizontal viewing is the angle between the audience's eyebrows and the ends of the screen in a horizontal direction.
In the networking, in which stage of signaling transmission occurs, such as the transmission keep-alive duration, keep-alive port, and keep-alive fields?
When 2 MCUs are cascaded, a meeting is scheduled, and the upper and lower MCU join the meeting as a virtual venue. ( )
Which of the following types of RTCP messages is used to describe the source from which the RTCP packet was sent?
Which of the following actions will prevent users from dialing the MCU's IVR number from the terminal to create a meeting?
When two parties have a video conferencing call, a voice stream and a video stream are generated, where the RIP stream contains the voice stream and the RTCP stream contains the video stream.
The feed can only be displayed on the same monitor as the mainstream, not independently.
The principle of the built-in MCU of the terminal is that the terminal with the built-in MCU is connected to each terminal separately.
The alarm light on the MCU dashboard is red and the meeting is scheduled to prompt "License resources are insufficient", possibly because of the MCU The license does not match the actual hardware
configuration of the MCU.
Each RTP datagram consists of two parts, the header and the payload, where the meaning of the first 12 bytes of the header is fixed , and the payload can be audio or video data.
SIP is an application layer protocol that is independent of the transport layer protocols below and can be hosted on different transport protocols, such as UDP/TCP/TLS/SCTP, currently Most commonly used
TCP. ( )
H.323 is used to provide multimedia services in packet-switched networks. ( )
In video systems, anti-packet loss algorithms mainly include forward error correction FEC and packet loss retransmission AQR.
The function of the registration server is to map the addresses in the request to zero or more new addresses and then return them to the client.
From the logs captured above, you can see the reason for the call failure. ( )
The 245.H.460 protocol specifies that the public-private network traversal processing process for the H.323 media streaming portion is ( ).
In video conferencing, local noise is required not to be greater than ( ).
Which of the following ways does HD terminal support to initiate peer-to-peer calls?
What are the correct items in the following description of the RTCP protocol?
What are the following message interactions included in the process of a terminal calling by number using the H.323 protocol?
In the meeting room design, it is recommended to use a light-colored tablecloth to reflect astigmatism to give the participants a good amount of light on their faces (jaws).
The 598.Q.931 protocol is the protocol used for information exchange between the gateway and the gatekeeper, and is primarily responsible for signaling processing during the call.
Which of the following protocols is used to propagate the stream between the MCU and the network recording server?
Which of the following represents the meaning of the response message 3xx?
As shown in the figure, the RTCP instance flow includes SR, RR, and ( ) messages.
At the heart of the NAT mapping is the modification of the destination address of the datagram header. ( )
After the endpoint enables the NAT setting, it can change the packet content and can be used for static NAT networking mode and DNAT/NAPT networking mode.
In multimedia services, RTP is used for real-time datagram transmission and RTCP is used to detect the quality of service for an RTP session.
SR messages in RTCP are send reports that describe sending and receiving statistics as sending gateways. ( )
In the color ring, not only red and green are complementary colors, but everything is included within 90 degrees of the diagonal, such as yellow-green, green, blue-green three Color, both and red constitute
a complementary color relationship. ( )
The H460 protocol specifies that the H.323 media streaming portion of the public-private network traversal processing process is
Which of the following messages indicates that the request cannot be implemented on any SIP server . ( )
H.460 In networking, the communication between the terminal and the clientGK follows the protocol ( ).
RRJ sendto [ ( )] [5928509444] [[0x00000065:err reg wrong account or passwork]] From the above logs, you can tell that the reason for the failure of registration is ( ).
In the Early state, the caller can terminate the dialog by sending (). (2 answers).
Regarding the Client proxy in the H.460 protocol, the following description is correct ( ).
The IP header in the ACF message does not contain any of the following information ( ).
Which of the following sockets on the MCU is the default service network port ( ).
H.323 gateway refers to a node that provides real-time two-way traffic between the H.323 terminal on the SCN and other nodes on the PBN.
Call Setup Signaling SETUP refers to a message sent by the caller to the called, indicating that the call is wanted to be established.
In the Cilent/Server model, the primary function of request proxy server is to decide where to send signaling messages.
In the registration signaling process, the terminal initiates to GK which of the following messages represents a registration request ( ).
The following six main request messages are not part of the SIP protocol. ()
Zone management is implemented by which of the following system modules ( ).
Of the six basic request messages, ( ) are used to query the server capabilities
What addresses are typically included in the RRQ message for the GK registration record address when the node is registered? ( )
Peer-to-peer calls between endpoints must use an MCU, but multipoint meetings can be scheduled without an MCU.
Only one P frame is sent at the beginning of the build during the call, and the subsequent video images are encoded using I frames.
1080P or 720P 50/60fps is a full-frame image of 50 frames per second or 60 frames progressively, rather than an interlaced image of 50/60 fields.
Huawei VUE Exam Instructions: 1 The exam randomly draws 60 questions, with a score of 1000, and can be passed by 600;2 After the question bank is all mastered, you can make an appointment for the exam, and the day before the exam, you can make an appointment at the nearest test center; 3. The test question types are single choice and multiple choice, judgment, fill in the blanks, drag charts, and the questions will not tell single choice or multiple choice
You can tell by the options: the radio option is preceded by "Circle", the multi-select option is preceded by "Box"; 4 Exam questions and options are randomly out of order; 5 Documents: ID Card + (Student ID Work Card Credit Card Social Security Card Passport) One of the two documents in total 6. Arrive at the test room 10 minutes in advance (if you encounter special circumstances, you can contact the test room if you are late).
ZTE VUE Exam Instructions:
1. The exam randomly selects 60 questions, with a full score of 100 points, and can be passed by the exam 60 points; (some exams pass 80 points: for example, ZTE service specifications) 2 The question bank is all palmed
After holding the exam, you can make an appointment for the nearest test center the day before the exam; 3. The test question types are single choice, judgment, and multiple choice, each with 20 questions; 4 The order of the exam questions is single choice, multiple choice, judgment; the options are randomly out of order; 5 ID: ID 6 Arrive at the test room 10 minutes early (if you are late in case of special circumstances, you can contact the test room).
RTP is a real-time transmission control protocol: on multicast (multicast) or unicast (unicast) network services, provides end-to-end network transmission capabilities, suitable for applications to transmit real-time data, such as audio, video or simulation data.
In a multipoint meeting, users can initiate an operation that deprives the demo token from any venue.
defines the load head RTP load head structure for the A/B/C3 mode as ( ) mode.
RFC2190 defines a total of 3 load heads for the H.263 video codec format: mode A and mode B and mode C/A mode is the recommended and commonly used transmission mode. ()
The large amount of data and the existence of data redundancy in the sound signal are the basis for the encoding of digital audio.
Huawei VUE Exam Instructions: 1 The exam randomly draws 60 questions, with a score of 1000, and can be passed by 600;2 After the question bank is all mastered, you can make an appointment for the exam, and the day before the exam, you can make an appointment at the nearest test center; 3. The test question types are single choice and multiple choice, judgment, fill in the blanks, drag charts, and the questions will not tell single choice or multiple choice
You can tell by the options: the radio option is preceded by "Circle", the multi-select option is preceded by "Box"; 4 Exam questions and options are randomly out of order; 5 Documents: ID Card + (Student ID Work Card Credit Card Social Security Card Passport) One of the two documents in total 6. Arrive at the test room 10 minutes in advance (if you encounter special circumstances, you can contact the test room if you are late).
ZTE VUE Exam Instructions:
1. The exam randomly selects 60 questions, with a full score of 100 points, and can be passed by the exam 60 points; (some exams pass 80 points: for example, ZTE service specifications) 2 The question bank is all palmed
After holding the exam, you can make an appointment for the nearest test center the day before the exam; 3. The test question types are single choice, judgment, and multiple choice, each with 20 questions; 4 The order of the exam questions is single choice, multiple choice, judgment; the options are randomly out of order; 5 ID: ID 6 Arrive at the test room 10 minutes early (if you are late in case of special circumstances, you can contact the test room).
When GK agrees to a terminal's registration request, which of the following response messages is sent?
Jitter Buffer calculates network latency based on the transmission and reception time of messages, statistically averages the changes in message delays, predicts network jitter based on historical statistical results to track network conditions, and uses the minimum delay to achieve the goal of eliminating jitter Target.
In the H460 network, the transmission keep-alive duration, keep-alive port, and keep-alive fields are in the signaling transmission stage. ()
The following description of the standalone SC ride wall networking configuration, which one is wrong?
For the relationship between photography and reflected light, how to use the reflected light of indoor decoration. ( )
T140 captions are sent separately to the remote venue, displayed on the remote venue monitor, and superimposed on the local video image.
Terminal control mainly refers to the call signaling of the terminal, the negotiation of logic channels and AV capabilities, and the signaling of conference control.
Fe and GEO, GE1 IP addresses can not be in the same network segment, otherwise it will cause network failure, at this time the front panel ALM light is always on. ( )
Network recording supports downloading recorded files to the local area in the format ( ) and supports local playback. (Fill in the blanks)
In video conference rooms, the illuminance cannot be too low because whether it is a CCD or CMOS, the camera will have a lot of snowflake noise in low light.