On October 10, 2018, Huawei released a full-stack full-scenario AI solution. Does Huawei's full stack solution include?
The histogram operation of the image is to count the distribution frequency of the gray value of the whole image. When the illumination of the image is uneven, the operation effect of the histogram will be affected, and it is necessary to use an improved algorithm for image processing.
Make adjustments to the food photos to make the food color more vivid and look rich.
The lower the value on the diagonal of the confusion matrix, the better the classification effect of the classifier.
When taking a selfie, what kind of transformation does the picture displayed on the front lens of the mobile phone need to pass before it can be a real scene image.
Inverting the RGB channels of a color image separately will change the brightness of the image, but will not change the color of the image.
The technology of converting text information into speech is called speech synthesis?
Histogram equalization can enhance the visual effect of the image. This technique can automatically calculate the transformation function without artificially setting parameters. The operation is simple and suitable for all situations.
Image recognition tasks can be divided into three levels, according to the abstraction of the processing content, from low to high?
When using gensim to implement Doc2vce, which parameter represents the specific model selected?
Which of the following options is not a commonly used algorithm for keyword extraction? (Single choice)
Huawei Cloud OCR service supports identification card identification, value-added tax invoice identification, license plate identification and other scenarios. What is wrong about the return value of the called API in the following options?