What functions does HarmonyOS provide in app data management to enable developers to seamlessly connect app data between different devices?
When I need to create a profile when publishing an application, what type should I choose?
The meta-service package consists of one or more HAP packages, and each HAP package shall not exceed ( ) to provide a second-to-open experience.
Which of the following descriptions is wrong when it comes to the simultaneous development of JS (JavaScript) and Java languages in HarmonyOS application development?
Which of the following modules provides a full-duplex communication co-ordination?
Which of the following classes is the base class for JavaScript FA (Feature Ability) to run on HarmonyOS?
In order to ensure that the application has better responsiveness, the developer has designed different priorities for tasks A, B, and C. Task A maintains the default priority, Task B has HICH, and Task C has LOW. Which of the following descriptions of tasks A.B, and C is correct?
HarmonyOS provides two mechanisms for calling JavaPA (ParticleAbility) by JSFA(FeatureAbility), namely Ability and InternalAbility.