Derivates can be effective low cost tools for managing expose experience losses due to:
Employee benefits are generally considered non-wage compensations designed to enhance any employee’s salary compensation. However, it should be noted that payroll is one of the largest operating expense in many banks. Losses can occur if a bank does not have adequate controls over this function. The largest risk/s bank face in this function is/are:
Securities available for sale should be reported at current market value. When this type of security has an unrealized gain or loss:
Continuous monitoring in systems and networks is a by-product of the increasing demand for immediate and continuous access to reliable information. Advancements in information monitoring and analysis are being accelerated both by increasing demands for timely and accurate information and by advances in technology that contribute to the:
All lending institutions assume some loans will not be repaid and thus estimate the losses they expect from their loan portfolio. Management of the lending institution sets a reserve for loan losses at a given point based on factors such as:
A residential mortgage-related security that is rated investment grade or is the credit quivalent thereof, or a residential ortgage security that is rated investment grade in one of the wo highest investment grade rating categories. It usually qualifies as:
Insurance products yield _________ compared to regular investment option and this is besides the added incentives (read bonuses) offered by insurers.