When developing a Business Architecture, which of the following best describes the approach to take If no Architecture Descriptions exist?
Which of the following is an analysis technique which is used to show a range of different perspectives on the same set of business capabilities?
Which approach to model, measure, and analyze business value is primarily concerned with identifying the participants involved in creating and delivering value?
In what TOGAF ADM phase should the architect locate existing architecture descriptions to create an information map?
Complete the sentence. A business model is a description of the rationale for how an organization creates, delivers, and captures
What are the four architecture domains that the TOGAF standard deals with?
What can architects present to stakeholders to extract hidden agendas, principles, and requirements that could impact the final Target Architecture?
Consider the following statements:
Groups of countries, governments, or governmental organizations (such as militaries) working together to create common or shareable deliverables or infrastructures
Partnerships and alliances of businesses working together, such as a consortium or supply chain
What are those examples of according to the TOGAF Standard?