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P3 Exam Dumps - Risk Management

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Question # 33

Match the descriptions shown in the boxes below with the method of quantifying risk exposure it best describes.

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Question # 34

IOP manufactures aircraft engines. The company is presently engaged in a scenario planning exercise to consider the implications of a possible ban on the use of fossil fuels by the year 2040.

Which TWO of the following would be realistic responses to the scenario?


Work with politicians to discredit the proposed restrictions on the use of fossil fuels


Commission research into the development of battery-powered aircraft


Adapt existing engine designs so that they can use plant-based fuels, such as vegetable oils


Dispose of manufacturing plant and move into more sustainable transport, such as electric trains


Develop more efficient engines that minimise the use of fossil fuels

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Question # 35

With regard to the rote of the audit committee which of the following statements are correct? Select ALL that apply


The audit committee should design the system of internal controls


The audit committee should decide annually whether it needs an internal audit function


The audit committee should decide annually whether it needs an external audit function


The audit committee should review and monitor the effectiveness of the company's internal audit function


The audit committee should provide arrangements for whistle blowing


The audit committee should engage consultants to carry out business reviews

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Question # 36

YHU manufactures flour from wheal (hat it purchases from wheat wholesalers who buy the gram in bulk from farmers around the world and import it to YHU's home country.

YHU sells its flour as "organic and free from genetically modified grain" It is difficult to test wheat to ensure that it is organic and impossible to prove that it has not been obtained from genetically modified crops YHU must trust its wholesalers to check the provenance of the wheat that they buy for resale to YHU.

Without YHU's knowledge, a consignment of wheat that it has used to make flour was purchased from a farmer who used genetically modified seed. The wholesaler made an error in tracking this consignment through its inventory system and sold it to YHU as organic and free from genetically modified gram

Which TWO of the following are correct?


If YHU admits to this error then there is a strong risk that customers will take legal action for being sold a dangerous product and that the courts will find in the customers' favors.


YHU should ignore the interaction between risk factors when considering its response to the possibility of mislabelled ingredients


YHU's total risk is affected by both the risk that the flour was incorrectly labelled and that the company was unaware of that fact


The risk of YHU discovering this error is minimal because the wholesaler will both have to realise its mistake and be willing to admit to it.


YHU could easily eliminate the risks associated with such errors by putting a prominent warning on its flour bags that they may contain flour made from non-organic or genetically modified flour.

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Question # 37

VBN's home currency is the V$. On 1 January, VBN must make a payment of C$2 million on 31 March of that same year.

On 1 January the spot exchange rate was V$1 = C$0.4.

On 1 January VBN paid $180,000 for a call option to buy C$2 million for V$5.5 million on 31 March. VBN's cost of borrowing was 8% per year.

On 31 March the spot rate was V$1 = C$0.45.

What was the total cost, including the cost of the option, of settling the payable?


V$4.628 million


V$5.684 million


V$4.444 million


V$5.5 million

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Question # 38

T is an accountant who has been accused of professional incompetence T agreed to advise a client on currency management and the client lost a great deal of money when a large foreign currency trade receivable declined in value without having been hedged.

Which of the following factors strengthens the case that T has been incompetent?

Select ALL that apply


T had been too busy to stay up to date with continuing professional development requirements


Since the loss the client's chief executive has spoken to her business contacts m the industry and all had hedged against a decline in this currency


T had studied all relevant economic forecasts and had concluded that it would be too expensive to hedge this receivable


T had offered the client two alternatives showing the costs and benefits of hedging the position, but did not strongly recommend either alternative


T had never offered advice on foreign currency management before

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Question # 39

DBB is a mining company. The company's business requires manners to work underground in hazardous conditions DBB takes every possible precaution to protect the safety and wellbeing of its miners, but that does not prevent the occurrence of four or five serious injuries every year. That number is small in relation to the many thousands of owners employed by DBB.

DBB's Board is preparing a risk map Most directors believe that injuries to miners should be classified as high Likelihood and high impact, which Is a category of risk that should be avoided according to the TARA framework One of the directors has suggested that the risk should be classified as low likelihood and high impact because that would move the risk into the quadrant associated with transference or sharing and so could be draft with by, say, insurance

Which TWO of the following are correct?


it is unlikely that DBB will be able to transfer the risk of these injuries by insurance.


The fact that there are very few accidents supports the argument that the likelihood


The director's recommendation that the risk should be reclassified will make the risk map more useful


Risk maps enable companies to identify the correct migration for any given risk


Discussing likelihood and impact will help DBB's Board to mitigate the risk of industrial inquiry

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Question # 40

A capital investment project shows a NPV of £3,450 at a discounted rate of 8% and an NPV of £1,210 at a discounted rate of 9%.

What is the internal rate of return?









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