What typically happens if the Product Backlog is not sufficiently clear at Sprint Planning?
(choose the best answer)
You are the Scrum Master of a new, to be developed Product. Development is going to require
45 people. What is a good first question for you to suggest the group thinks about when forming into teams?
(choose the best answer)
Which is NOT a valid consideration when ordering a Product Backlog?
(choose the best answer)
A Scrum Team is a cohesive unit of professionals that consists of which of the following?
(choose the best three answers)
The Product Owner is the person who will be held accountable if a product does not achieve its
goals or deliver value. Does this mean that the Product Owner has final say over the Definition
of Done?
(choose the best answer)
True or False: The Product Owner makes sure the Developers select enough from the Product
Backlog for a Sprint to satisfy the stakeholders.