After encrypting data using the transit secrets engine, you've received the following output. Which of the following is true based upon the output?
1. Key Value
2. --- -----
3. ciphertext vault:v2:45f9zW6cglbrzCjI0yCyC6DBYtSBSxnMgUn9B5aHcGEit71xefPEmmjMbrk3
The userpass auth method has the ability to access external services in order to provide authentication to Vault.
To prepare for day-to-day operations, the root token should be safety saved outside of Vault in order to administer Vault
When administering Vault on a day-to-day basis, why is logging in with the root token, as shown below, a bad idea? (select two).
When using constraint expressions to signify a version of a provider, which of the following are valid provider versions that satisfy the expression found in the following code snippet: (select two)
1. terraform {
2. required_providers {
3. aws = "~> 1.2.0"
4. }
5. }
What is the result of the following terraform function call?
zipmap(["a", "b"], [1, 2])
In a Consul cluster, participating nodes can be only one of two types. Select the valid types. (select two)
True or False? When using the Terraform provider for Vault, the tight integration between these HashiCorp tools provides the ability to mask secrets in the terraform plan and state files.