What does a blue process box in an orchestration plan indicate?
Completed state
Ready state
Frozen state
Pending state
Skipped state
Which type of mapping rule allows you to specify the exact string content of a destination attribute value?
Vlocity CPQ rules keep you from submitting an inaccurate order
What is XOMAutoTaskAssetizer?
An Apex class provided by vlocity and called by the Assetize implementation
An item implementation
An orchestration system
A batch Apex process to create auto-task orchestration item
When creating a Many-to-One (M:1) decomposition relationship, what will happen if the source and destination attributes have the same name?
The most recently modified source attribute value will be copied to the destination attribute
The source and destination attributes values will be copied to the destination attribute
The most recently modified destination attribute value will be copied to the source attribute
The decomposition process will fail with an error.