Bella, a security professional working at an it firm, finds that a security breach has occurred while transferring important files. Sensitive data, employee usernames. and passwords are shared In plaintext, paving the way for hackers 10 perform successful session hijacking. To address this situation. Bella Implemented a protocol that sends data using encryption and digital certificates. Which of the following protocols Is used by Bella?
Which is the first step followed by Vulnerability Scanners for scanning a network?
Which type of security feature stops vehicles from crashing through the doors of a building?
An attacker, using a rogue wireless AP, performed an MITM attack and injected an HTML code to embed a malicious applet in all HTTP connections.
When users accessed any page, the applet ran and exploited many machines. Which one of the following tools the hacker probably used to inject HTML code?
If a tester is attempting to ping a target that exists but receives no response or a response that states the destination is unreachable, ICMP may be disabled and the network may be using TCP. Which other option could the tester use to get a response from a host using TCP?
Scenario: Joe turns on his home computer to access personal online banking. When he enters the URL the website is displayed, but it prompts him to re-enter his credentials as if he has never visited the site before. When he examines the website URL closer, he finds that the site is not secure and the web address appears different. What type of attack he is experiencing?.
Which of the following LM hashes represent a password of less than 8 characters? (Choose two.)