You are logged in as a local admin on a Windows 7 system and you need to launch the Computer Management Console from command line.
Which command would you use?
Ethical backer jane Doe is attempting to crack the password of the head of the it department of ABC company. She Is utilizing a rainbow table and notices upon entering a password that extra characters are added to the password after submitting. What countermeasure is the company using to protect against rainbow tables?
Bill has been hired as a penetration tester and cyber security auditor for a major credit card company. Which information security standard is most applicable to his role?
The network in ABC company is using the network address with mask In the network the servers are in the addresses, and An attacker is trying to find those servers but he cannot see them in his scanning. The command he is using is: nmap
Why he cannot see the servers?
Morris, an attacker, wanted to check whether the target AP is in a locked state. He attempted using different utilities to identify WPS-enabled APs in the target wireless network. Ultimately, he succeeded with one special command-line utility. Which of the following command-line utilities allowed Morris to discover the WPS-enabled APs?
You are tasked to perform a penetration test. While you are performing information gathering, you find an employee list in Google. You find the receptionist’s email, and you send her an email changing the source email to her boss’s email (boss@company). In this email, you ask for a pdf with information. She reads your email and sends back a pdf with links. You exchange the pdf links with your malicious links (these links contain malware) and send back the modified pdf, saying that the links don’t work. She reads your email, opens the links, and her machine gets infected. You now have access to the company network. What testing method did you use?