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8006 Exam Dumps - Exam I: Finance Theory Financial Instruments Financial Markets - 2015 Edition

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Question # 17

Which of the following statements are true:

I. A credit default swap provides exposure to credit risk alone and none to credit spreads

II. A CDS contract provides exposure to default risk and credit spreads

III. A TRS can be used as a funding source by the party paying LIBOR or other floating rate

IV. A CLN is an unfunded security for getting exposure to credit risk


I, III and IV


II, III and IV


II and IV


II and III

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Question # 18

What kind of a risk attitude does a utility function with downward sloping curvature indicate?


risk mitigation


risk averse


risk seeking


risk neutral

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Question # 19

A large utility wishes to issue a fixed rate bond to finance its plant and equipment purchases. However, it finds it difficult to find investors to do so. But there is investor interest in a floating rate note of the same maturity. Because its revenues and net income tend to vary only predictably year to year, the utility desires a fixed rate liability. Which of the following will allow the utility to achieve its objectives?


Issue a floating rate note and hedge the risk of movements in interest rates by entering into an interest rate swap to pay fixed and receive floating


Buy a floating rate note and hedge the risk of movements in interest rates by entering into an interest rate swap to pay fixed and receive floating


Issue a floating rate note and immediately buy a similar floating rate note, together with a long position in interest rate futures


Issue a floating rate note and hedge the risk of movements in interest rates by entering into an interest rate swap to pay floating and receive fixed

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Question # 20

What is the duration of a 10 year zero coupon bond. Assume the bond is callable (ie, the issuer can buy it back) at face value at any time during its existence.


0 years


5 years


1 year


10 years

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Question # 21

Which of the following statements are true:

I. A deep in-the-money call option has a value very close to that of a forward contract with a forward price equal to the exercise price

II. If the volatility of a stock goes down to zero, the value of a call option on the stock will tend to be close to that of a forward contract so long as the option is in the money.

III. All other things remaining the same, the issue of stock warrants exercisable at a future date will cause a decline in the current stock price

IV. Implied volatilities are calculated from market prices of options and are forward looking


I and IV


II and III


III and IV


All of the above

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Question # 22

The 'transformation line' expresses the relationship between


Expected risk and return for a portfolio comprising a riskless asset and a risky bundle


The risk free rate and expected market risk premiums


Asset beta and expected return


Expected risk and return for all portfolios lying on the efficient frontier

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Question # 23

For an investor short a bond, which of the following is true:

I. Higher convexity is preferable to lower convexity

II. An increase in yields is preferable to a decrease in yield

III. Negative convexity is preferable to positive convexity


I and II


II and III


I, II and III


I and III

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Question # 24

The price of an interest rate cap is determined by:

I. The period to which the cap relates

II. Volatility of the underlying interest rate

III. The exercise or the strike rate

IV. The risk free rate


I, II, III and IV


I, II and III


II, III and IV


I, II and IV

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