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AHM-540 Exam Dumps - Medical Management

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Question # 17

Examples of alternative healthcare practitioners are chiropractors, naturopaths, and acupuncturists. The only well-established credentialing standards for alternative healthcare practitioners are those available from NCQA. These NCQA credentialing standards apply to








all of the above

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Question # 18

Access to services is an important issue for both fee-for-service (FFS) Medicaid and managed Medicaid programs. Access to services under managed Medicaid is affected by the


lack of qualified providers in provider networks


lack of resources necessary to establish case management programs for patients with complex conditions


unstable eligibility status of Medicaid recipients


inability of Medicaid recipients to change health plans or PCPs

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Question # 19

The paragraph below contains two pairs of terms or phrases enclosed in parentheses. Determine which term or phrase in each pair correctly completes the paragraph. Then select the answer choice containing the terms or phrases that you have chosen.

Due to competitive pressures and consumer demand, many health plans now offer direct access or open access products. Under a direct access product, a member is (required / not required) to select a primary care provider (PCP), and is (required / not required) to obtain a referral from a PCP or the health plan before visiting a network specialist.


required / required


required / not required


not required / required


not required / not required

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Question # 20

Readiness is an important consideration for the development of health promotion programs. Readiness refers to


the availability of previously established health promotion programs to an health plan’s members through employers, providers, or community service agencies


the appropriateness of a program’s educational approach, given the language, literacy level, and cultural sensitivities of the target population


a member’s level of knowledge about existing health risks and problems and the member’s ability and willingness to adopt new health-related behaviors


a member’s access to information technology, such as a video cassette recorder, a computer, or the Internet

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Question # 21

Determine whether the following statement is true or false:

Under a carve-out arrangement for disease management, patients typically maintain their existing relationships with primary care providers (PCPs) for all care, including disease management.





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Question # 22

The delivery of quality, cost-effective healthcare is a primary goal of both group healthcare and workers’ compensation programs. One difference between group healthcare and workers’ compensation is that workers’ compensation


provides health and disability benefits to employees injured on the job only if the employer is at fault for the injury


provides coverage for a variety of direct and indirect healthcare, disability, and workplace costs


manages costs by including employee cost-sharing features in its benefit design


places limits on benefits by restricting the amount of benefit payments or the number of covered hospital days or provider office visits

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Question # 23

Adele Stanley, a member of the Greenhouse Health Plan, recently went to a network pharmacy to have a prescription filled. The pharmacist informed Ms. Stanley that the prescribed drug was not in the plan formulary and that reimbursement for the drug was not available except in extraordinary circumstances. The pharmacist asked Ms. Stanley if she would accept a generic substitute.

The paragraph below contains two pairs of terms enclosed in parentheses. Determine which term in each pair correctly completes the paragraph. Then select the answer choice containing the two terms that you have chosen.

Greenhouse’s prescription drug reimbursement policy indicates that the plan formulary is classified as (open / closed), and that compliance by patients and providers is (mandatory / voluntary).


open / mandatory


open / voluntary


closed / mandatory


closed / voluntary

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Question # 24

Accreditation is intended to help purchasers and consumers make decisions about healthcare coverage.

The following statements are about accreditation. Select the answer choice containing the correct statement.


At the request of health plans, accrediting agencies gather the data needed for accreditation.


Most purchasers and consumers review accreditation results when making decisions to purchase or enroll in a specific health plan.


Accreditation is typically conducted by independent, not-for-profit organizations.


All health plans are required to participate in the accreditation process.

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