Explanation: Code review is the technique that would minimize the ability of an attacker to exploit a buffer overflow. A buffer overflow is a type of vulnerability that occurs when a program writes more data to a buffer than it can hold, causing the data to overwrite the adjacent memory locations, such as the return address or the stack pointer. An attacker can exploit a buffer overflow by injecting malicious code or data into the buffer, and altering the execution flow of the program to execute the malicious code or data. Code review is the technique that would minimize the ability of an attacker to exploit a buffer overflow, as it involves examining the source code of the program to identify and fix any errors, flaws, or weaknesses that may lead to buffer overflow vulnerabilities. Code review can help to detect and prevent the use of unsafe or risky functions, such as gets, strcpy, or sprintf, that do not perform any boundary checking on the buffer, and replace them with safer or more secure alternatives, such as fgets, strncpy, or snprintf, that limit the amount of data that can be written to the buffer. Code review can also help to enforce and verify the use of secure coding practices and standards, such as input validation, output encoding, error handling, or memory management, that can reduce the likelihood or impact of buffer overflow vulnerabilities. Memory review, message division, and buffer division are not techniques that would minimize the ability of an attacker to exploit a buffer overflow, although they may be related or useful concepts. Memory review is not a technique, but a process of analyzing the memory layout or content of a program, such as the stack, the heap, or the registers, to understand or debug its behavior or performance. Memory review may help to identify or investigate the occurrence or effect of a buffer overflow, but it does not prevent or mitigate it. Message division is not a technique, but a concept of splitting a message into smaller or fixed-size segments or blocks, such as in cryptography or networking. Message division may help to improve the security or efficiency of the message transmission or processing, but it does not prevent or mitigate buffer overflow. Buffer division is not a technique, but a concept of dividing a buffer into smaller or separate buffers, such as in buffering or caching. Buffer division may help to optimize the memory usage or allocation of the program, but it does not prevent or mitigate buffer overflow.