Password cracking programs reverse the hashing process to recover passwords.(True/False.
Which of the following represents the initial two commands that an IRC client sends to join an IRC network?
A penetration tester is conducting a port scan on a specific host. The tester found several ports opened that were confusing in concluding the Operating System (OS) version installed. Considering the NMAP result below, which of the following is likely to be installed on the target machine by the OS?
Starting NMAP 5.21 at 2011-03-15 11:06
NMAP scan report for
Host is up (1.00s latency).
Not shown: 993 closed ports
21/tcp open ftp
23/tcp open telnet
80/tcp open http
139/tcp open netbios-ssn
515/tcp open
631/tcp open ipp
9100/tcp open
MAC Address: 00:00:48:0D:EE:89
Assuring two systems that are using IPSec to protect traffic over the internet, what type of general attack could compromise the data?
In the following example, which of these is the "exploit"?
Today, Microsoft Corporation released a security notice. It detailed how a person could bring down the Windows 2003 Server operating system, by sending malformed packets to it. They detailed how this malicious process had been automated using basic scripting. Even worse, the new automated method for bringing down the server has already been used to perform denial of service attacks on many large commercial websites.
Select the best answer.
A remote user tries to login to a secure network using Telnet, but accidently types in an invalid user name or password. Which responses would NOT be preferred by an experienced Security Manager? (multiple answer)