The Cadbury Commission proposed that every public company should have an audit committee meeting at least twice a year.
Step-by-Step Explanation:
Background of the Cadbury Commission:
The Cadbury Commission, established in the UK in 1991, aimed to address issues of corporate governance in the wake of several high-profile corporate scandals.
According to the CFA Institute, the commission's recommendations have had a lasting impact on corporate governance practices globally.
Key Recommendations:
One of the key recommendations of the Cadbury Commission was that every public company should establish an audit committee composed of independent non-executive directors. This committee should meet at least twice a year to review the company’s financial reporting and internal controls.
The CFA Institute highlights that this recommendation was intended to enhance the oversight and accountability of financial reporting processes, reducing the risk of financial misstatements and fraud.
Importance of Audit Committees:
Audit committees play a critical role in ensuring the integrity of a company's financial statements. They provide an independent review of the financial reporting process, internal controls, and the external audit process.
The MSCI ESG Ratings Methodology emphasizes the importance of robust audit committee practices in maintaining investor confidence and protecting shareholder value.
Implementation and Global Influence:
The recommendations of the Cadbury Commission have been widely adopted and incorporated into corporate governance codes around the world. The requirement for regular audit committee meetings has become a standard practice in many jurisdictions.
The CFA Institute notes that effective audit committees are a cornerstone of good corporate governance, helping to ensure transparency, accountability, and the accuracy of financial reporting.
CFA Institute, "Environmental, Social, and Governance Issues in Investing: A Guide for Investment Professionals."
Historical documents and reports on the Cadbury Commission’s recommendations and their impact on corporate governance.