A consultancy company is dependent for profits and growth on the high value individuals it employs.
The company has relatively few tangible assets.
Select the most appropriate reason for the net asset valuation method being considered unsuitable for such a company.
An unlisted software development company has recently reported disappointing results. This was partly due to weak economic conditions but also because of its poor competitive position. The company has a number of exciting development opportunities which would enable it to achieve significant future growth. The company's growth potential has been hindered by its inability to secure sufficient new finance.
To enable the company raise new finance the Directors are considering working forwards an IPO in 10 years and accepting finance from a venture capitalist in order support in the intervening period.
The directors are keen to retain a controlling stake in the company and full representation on the board. They therefore require venture capitalists to provide funds as a mix of debt and equity and not soley equity finance.
Which THREE of the following are most likely to disrupt the directors' plans to use venture capital finance?