Ram purchased a house in Mumbai in March 2004 for Rs.12,50,000. In April, 2011 entered into an agreement to sell the property to Shyam for a consideration of Rs.19,75,000 and received earnest money of Rs.50,000. As per the terms of the agreement, the balance payment was to be made within 30 days of the agreement. If the intending purchaser does not make the payment within 30 days, the earnest money would be forfeited. As Shyam could not make the payment within the stipulated time the amount of Rs.50,000 was forfeited by Ram. Subsequently Ram sold the house in June,2012 for Rs. 21,30,000. He paid 2% brokerage on sale of the house. Calculate the capital gains chargeable to tax for the assessment year 2012-13. [CII-12-13: 852,11-12: 785,10-11:711,03-04:463]
Mr. Hitesh Shah has a portfolio with 23 different equities. The portfolio increased by 20% and has a beta of 1.50. Utilizing the Capital Asset Pricing Model, compute by what percent the market changed (round to nearest 0.5%) (Assume risk free rate of 5%)?
A portfolio consists of 50% of investment ‘R’ that earned 10%, 25% of investment ‘S’ that earned 6% and 25% of investment ‘T’ that earned 9%. Compute the weighted average return?
A hired a bicycle from B. The written contract contained a clause which read “Nothing in this agreement shall render the owner liable for any personal injuries to the rider of the machine hiredâ€. Owing to a defect in the brakes of the cycle, A met with an accident and got injured. Can A recover Damages?