Your Google Video campaign is driving awareness of a new service your company will soon release, and you're considering inflating your target cost-per-thousand impressions (tCPM) bid to achieve that goal. Why should you avoid inflating the tCPM bid for your new campaign? 1
If your company used Reach Planner to forecast an awareness Video campaign, how should you set up the Video campaign to achieve similar reach to your media plan?
A Google Video campaign with "brand awareness and reach" selected as the campaign goal automatically uses target cost-per-thousand impressions (tCPM) as the bidding strategy. How does that benefit the campaign?
A fitness studio has created a Video campaign and wants to measure their consideration campaign with the help of a Brand Lift study. At what point should the fitness studio set up the study in order to create optimal control and exposed groups?
What Google Video marketing objective connects to the goal of people thinking about your brand in decision-making moments?