The UPS can generate large leakage currents. A circuit breaker equipped with a residual current device (RCD) is not recommended. If leakage protection is required, consider the leakage current of the UPS and downstream devices.
In the water-side free cooling solution, cold water cannot be transported directly from the cooling tower to chilled conditioner?
A data center is at the Tier IV level and uses Huawei FusionModule2000 smart module. In this smart module, the PDU8000 integrated PDF cannot be used to supply power to IT loads and precision air conditioners at the same time because isolation requirements are not met.
Which of the following statements is true about UPS5000 power modules and bypass modules?
If the battery charge current limit coefficient of the UPS5000-E is set to 0.1C10, which of the following statements about this parameter is true?