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LLQP Exam Dumps - Life License Qualification Program (LLQP)

Question # 4

Nathalie worked for 25 years as an administrative assistant at a manufacturing company. When she left the company 10 years ago, she transferred the money that she accumulated from the company’s pension plan into a locked-in retirement account (LIRA). Now she is 60 years of age and would like to withdraw the money from the LIRA.

Under which of the following circumstances would Nathalie be allowed to withdraw her funds?


She moved to Arizona last year.


She is disabled and her life expectancy is reduced.


She is retiring.


She will start collecting QPP benefits.

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Question # 5

Joel and Gina, a 65-year-old couple, have just retired and are meeting with their advisor, Mark, to do some tax planning. Joel's annual income is $75,000, and Gina's is $35,000. His marginal tax rate (MTR) is 40% and hers is 26%. Mark discusses the advantages of income splitting with them. After their income split, their respective MTRs are 32% for Joel and 30% for Gina. How much income tax will Joel and Gina save if $15,000 of Joel's income is transferred to Gina?









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Question # 6

Seven years ago, Amber invested $150,000 in a non-registered equity segregated fund. Her investment grew, and today, the market value of her fund is $165,000. She places an order to redeem her fund and she wants to know how her investment will be taxed.


The $15,000 of capital gains will receive preferential tax treatment.


The $15,000 of capital gains will be 100% taxable.


The entire $165,000 will be taxed as income.


The investment will not be taxed.

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Question # 7

Six years ago, Diu purchased an immediate life annuity with a 10-year guarantee period. The annuity paid her a monthly benefit of $1,800. She named her son Shan as the beneficiary of the policy and her niece Haru as a contingent beneficiary. Shan died four months ago in a motorcycle accident and between grieving and planning the funeral, Diu forgot to update her beneficiary designation. Last week, Diu died of a heart attack.

Who would receive the annuity benefits?


Shan's widow


Shan's estate




Diu’s estate

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Question # 8

Hussein wants to purchase a segregated fund. He has been following the news and believes the pharmaceutical sector will take off soon, and he wants to purchase a fund that will capitalize on his market view. He understands market fluctuations and is comfortable with the level of risk involved because he would only need to access these funds in 20 years.

Which of the following would be the most appropriate fund for Hussein?


Bond fund


Specialty fund


Balanced fund


Target date fund

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Question # 9

Luisa owns a balanced segregated fund currently valued at $50,000. Her mother Linda is the current revocable beneficiary of the policy. However, Luisa has been dating Benjamin for a year and would like to name him as the new beneficiary of her policy.

Which of the following statements about modifying the beneficiary designation is CORRECT?


The change will take effect on the date that the insurer receives the change of beneficiary form.


Since Linda is Luisa’s named beneficiary, she would need to consent to the change.


Luisa can modify the designation anytime.


Luisa can call the insurer's head office to notify them of the change.

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Question # 10

Mohammed is an employee at Optima Plus Inc. Over the years, he accumulated $15,000 in the company's group plan. He knows that his contributions into the plan are not tax-deductible, and he is not taxed on the funds when he makes a withdrawal.

What type of plan does Mohammed have with his employer?


A group registered retirement savings plan (GRRSP)


A deferred profit sharing plan (DPSP)


A group tax-free savings account (TFSA)


A group registered retirement income fund (RRIF)

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Question # 11

Kadiha invested $10,000 in a balanced fund 10 years ago, which she put into a non-registered account. At the time, her insurance agent sold her the fund with a 75% maturity and death benefit guarantee. Today, when the fund expires, the market value is $5,000.

How much will Kadiha receive, and how will her funds be treated for tax purposes?


$7,500, tax free.


$7,500, of which $2,500 will be taxed as capital gain.


$7,500, of which $2,500 will be taxed as interest income.


$7,500, of which $2,500 will be taxed as interest, dividend, and capital gain.

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Question # 12

Owen meets with his insurance agent, Rachel, to review his investments. Owen is interested in segregated funds. In particular, he wants to know more about the reset feature.

What should Rachel tell Owen about resetting his funds?


All segregated funds offer a reset feature.


The reset feature may be automatic.


There is no additional cost for a fund that provides a reset feature.


The reset feature can be used if the market value increases or decreases.

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Question # 13

Caleb meets with Miles, his insurance agent, to invest for his retirement. Caleb tells Miles that he will not need his funds for the next 25 years, he is comfortable with market fluctuations, and he would like a fund that mimics the S&P/TSX Composite index.

Which of the following funds will best suit Caleb's needs?


Equity fund


Target date fund


Dividend fund


Index fund

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Question # 14

Maxine meets with Toshiko, an insurance agent for United Life, to purchase a $10 million universal life insurance policy. Once United Life reviews Maxine's file, they agree to insure her for $3 million. United Life then contacts Extra Life Company, who agrees to insure Maxine for the additional $7 million. Toshiko asks his supervisor Bob how the death benefit will be paid to Maxine's beneficiary when she dies.


United Life and Extra Life will each directly pay the beneficiary.


Extra Life will issue a cheque for $10 million.


United will issue a cheque for $10 million.


The full death benefit will be paid by Assuris.

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Question # 15

Coraline owns a $250,000 whole life insurance policy. She purchased the policy last year and does not have any funds accumulated in her cash surrender value (CSV). On December 30, Coraline assigns the policy to the cancer foundation, and she plans on continuing to pay the $200 monthly premium. Coraline calls her accountant James to ask him how much of her donation she will be able to use to obtain a charitable tax credit this year.









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Question # 16

Larissa is a 65-year-old retired marketing executive. She is single and has no dependents. Larissa accepted a generous retirement package from her employer five years ago and used her early retirement cash bonus to consolidate her financial affairs. She paid off mortgages on both her principal residence (a condo) and her vacation cottage. The fair market value (FMV) of the real estate increased significantly over the years. She named her sister Natalya as the sole beneficiary of her estate. In addition to the two properties, Larissa's estate includes a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) and shares of Apple Inc. that she purchased in her tax-free savings account (TFSA) 10 years ago. If Larissa were to pass away today, which of her assets would be fully taxable on her final income tax return?


The condo.


The cottage.





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Question # 17

Konrad is the owner of CrossBoy, a manufacturing company employing over 50 employees. Konrad recently took out a $500,000 loan to expand his business. Terrence works as a sales manager and is responsible for roughly 40% of the company’s revenue. Konrad recognizes the importance of Terrence's contributions to the success of the company. Therefore, in addition to a sizeable basesalary, CrossBoy also pays Terrence regular performance-based bonuses. Konrad understands that if Terrence dies prematurely, CrossBoy would suffer financially. What should he do to protect his company?


Offer Terrence group life insurance plan.


Purchase business-owned buy-agreement with Terrence.


Purchase key person life insurance on Terrence.


Purchase criss-cross insurance with Terrence.

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Question # 18

Anita is a 50-year-old woman who is thinking of purchasing a $150,000 permanent life insurance policy to pay for the capital gains tax that will be payable on her country home upon her death. She had purchased the home twelve years ago and wants to bequeath the property to her niece when she dies.

Which of the following features about a permanent insurance policy is TRUE?


The coverage ends when Anita turns 100.


The premiums will remain level for the duration of the contract.


The policy cannot be cancelled by Anita.


Anita must contact the insurer if there is a change in the insurability.

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Question # 19

Three years ago, Douglas purchased a whole life insurance policy with numerous supplementary benefits and riders. Today, he meets with his doctor who informs him that he has late-stage colon cancer and has only a few months to live. Even with surgery, his chances of survival are low. Douglas calls his insurance agent, Penny, to ask her what he should do to obtain a benefit immediately.


Dread disease benefit.


Terminal illness benefit.


Policy loan.


Policy withdrawal.

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Question # 20

Harold is a 66-year-old retired school bus mechanic. He receives $900 a month from his defined benefit pension plan (DBPP). His husband Karl is also retired and receives his own pension benefit. Harold would like to know the minimum monthly pension benefit from his DBPP that Karl will receive upon Harold's death.




$450 to $495 depending on the province they reside.


$540 to $594 depending on the province they reside.



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Question # 21

Germain is a life insurance agent. This morning, he receives a call from Jason, whose wife, Rosalie owned a $50,000 life insurance policy that she purchased from Germain seven years ago. Jason explains that Rosalie had a heart attack and died last week. Germain promises to help as much as he can.


He can provide the claim form to Jason and help him fill it out.


He can assure Jason that the payment will be made within 5 days after receipt of the claim.


He can inform Jason that the death benefit will be paid within 30 days of Rosalie’s death.


He can assure Jason that he will settle the death benefit as quickly as possible.

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Question # 22

Ten years ago, Anastasia purchased a $125,000 10-year term renewable life insurance policy. Her insurance need has not changed, and she is still in good health. She asks her insurance agent Raphael what she should do.


Renew her current policy at the same rate.


Renew the policy at an increased rate.


Renew her policy and restart the incontestability period.


Shop around for a better rate.

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Question # 23

Gino, an insurance of persons representative, is cleaning his office and going through old files. He comes across a file from a former client, Nathan, who owned a 20-year term insurance policy that was cancelled 3 years ago. Nathan now has a different representative and Gino no longer has any contact with him. Gino would like to know if he can destroy Nathan's file.

Which of the following options is CORRECT?


Yes, because Nathan transferred his affairs to another representative.


Yes, because Nathan cancelled his policy 3 years ago.


No, because he must wait until the file has been closed for at least 5 years.


No, because he must wait until the file has been closed for at least 7 years.

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Question # 24

Benjamin is a financial security advisor working for the Larson Group. He is following a mandatory compliance training session given by Andrew, the compliance manager. Andrew explains the importance of following the Chambre de la sécurité financière code of ethics, and Benjamin would like to know to whom the code of ethics applies.

What is Andrew's CORRECT response?


Financial planners and financial security advisors.


Financial security advisors and their administrative assistants.


Claims adjusters and group insurance plan advisors.


Damage insurance agents and accident and sickness insurance representatives.

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Question # 25

Last week, at a dinner party, Dario, an insurance agent, met Andrew, a successful businessperson with a net worth of over $10 million. Dario spent the evening following Andrew around, telling him how he could help him manage his finances. The day after the meeting, Dario sent a fruit basket to Andrew's office. Every day since, Dario has been calling and urging Andrew to meet with him and take advantage of his services and insurance products.

Which duties and obligations did Dario break?


Duties and obligations towards the public


Duties and obligations towards clients


Duties and obligations towards other representatives, firms, independent partnerships, insurers, and financial institutions


Duties and obligations towards the profession

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Question # 26

A few months ago, Urmish filed a complaint to the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) about the services he received from his insurance agent, Jaba. The complaint was heard by the discipline committee, and Jaba was found guilty and ordered to pay a $10,000 fine. Jaba is upset and does not agree with the verdict. She would like to appeal the verdict.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT?


A decision made by the discipline committee may be appealed to the Chambre de la sécurité financière (CSF).


A decision made by the discipline committee may be appealed to the Court of Quebec.


A decision made by the discipline committee may be appealed to the AMF.


A decision made by the discipline committee cannot be appealed.

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Question # 27

Paola, an employee at Horizon Pharmaceuticals, was recently diagnosed with depression. She is unable to work and is receiving tax-free disability insurance benefits due to her condition. Paola is deeply indebted, and her creditors have been garnishing a portion of her pay for the last year. She is worried about her creditors also garnishing her disability benefit.

Can her disability benefits be seized by her creditors?


Yes, disability insurance benefits are seizable.


Yes, but creditors can only seize up to 50% of her benefit.


No, because the benefits are tax-free.


No, because she is disabled.

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Question # 28

Dora meets with the following clients, each of whom fills out a disability insurance application:

• Scott, a ski instructor who skydives every weekend in the summer,

• Lamar, a librarian who drives to work daily and spends his free time collecting stamps and watching nature shows,

• Timothy, an administrative assistant who walks 30 minutes each way to and from work, and

• Yashar, an accountant who participates in 5 online chess competitions a week and studies chess in his spare time.

All else being equal, which of Dora’s clients will qualify for the most favorable insurance premium?









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Question # 29

Harper owns a disability insurance policy that will pay her a monthly benefit if she becomes unable to work. At the time she applied for the policy, Harper was a new graduate with an annual income of $60,000, and she qualified for a monthly benefit of $3,000. Instead of taking the maximum benefit, she focused on paying off her student loans and keeping her insurance premiums low. She elected to purchase a monthly benefit of $2,500 and add the future purchase option (FPO) rider for up to $500 a month of additional coverage. Now she is further along in her career, Harper earns $100,000 a year, and she meets with her insurance agent Trish to increase her coverage. Harper would like her new monthly benefit to be $5,000.

Which of the following statements about Harper’s coverage is TRUE?


If Harper wants to increase her coverage, she will have to apply for an additional $2,500 of monthly benefit with full medical underwriting.


Harper cannot apply to receive an additional $2,000 of coverage, but she can exercise the FPO and increase her monthly benefit by $500.


Harper can exercise the FPO and increase her monthly benefit by $2,500.


Harper can exercise the FPO, increase her monthly benefit by $500, and apply for an additional $2,000 of monthly benefit with full medical underwriting.

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Question # 30

Angus is involved in a motorcycle accident and due to his injuries has to spend a few nights in the hospital. He is released from the hospital with a doctor's note indicating that he is able to perform certain parts of his job, but that it would take months until he can be back to normal. He promptly calls his insurance agent Dawn to ask her if he would be entitled to his disability benefits. Dawn reads his policy and tells him that he will not receive any disability benefits.

Which disability definition is MOST LIKELY included in his policy?


Own occupation


Any occupation


Regular occupation


Total disability (according to the CPP)

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Question # 31

Patricia is a laboratory technician who normally earns $4,000 a month. A few months ago, she injured her leg rollerblading and was unable to work for four months. Since she owns a disability insurance policy with a residual benefit option, she received $2,400 a month from the insurer. Now that she is recovered, her doctor has cleared her to slowly return to work. Since she cannot work her regular full-time hours, her pay has decreased to $3,000 a month.

How much will she receive from her residual benefit when she returns to work?









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Question # 32

Josephine visits her dentist in downtown Victoria, BC, to have a cavity filled. The procedure costs her $550 but the maximum fee for a standard filling, according to the provincial dental schedule, is $400. Josephine works for a company that offers employees group dental coverage with a yearly maximum of $1,000 and an 80% co-insurance factor.

How much will Josephine receive from the insurer for her procedure?









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Question # 33

Constantin is a 47-year-old marketing manager earning an annual salary of $175,000, who, together with his husband, recently purchased a house. A few years ago, Constantin was terminated from his previous position, and it took him two years to find similar employment in his field. The prolonged lack of income caused him to accumulate substantial debt. Today, after several years of sensible budgeting, the only debt remaining is his mortgage. He purchased disability and life insurance on the mortgage at the bank.

Given this information, what is Constantin's greatest financial risk?


Loss of income.


Lower standard of living.


Unexpected expenses.



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Question # 34

Monique meets with Tyra, an insurance agent, to review her insurance needs. Tyra explains the different types of policies and asks Monique for more information on her sources of income and expenses to properly evaluate her needs.

Which document should Tyra review to better understand Monique’s sources of income?


Cash flow statement.


Net worth statement.


Registered investment account statement.


Non-registered investment account statement.

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Question # 35

Kiril is the sole proprietor of a small gym with five employees. His sales manager, Antoine, is a former Olympic athlete, responsible for generating close to 50% of all revenues for the gym. Thanks to Antoine's popular social media presence, the gym is profitable and growing rapidly. However, Kiril has concerns about the future profitability of his gym should Antoine become ill or injured since the other employees are not local celebrities and would not be able to replace Antoine’s contribution to the business.

Which of the following types of insurance policy would protect the gym if Antoine were unable to work?


Business loan protection disability insurance on Antoine.


Disability buyout insurance.


Key person disability insurance on Antoine.


Disability business overhead expense insurance on Antoine.

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Question # 36

Li Jun, 50, applies for a $250,000 critical illness (CI) insurance policy with his insurance agent Ming. On the application, Li Jun states that he must take pills daily to manage his hypertension. Aside from this, his health is good. Given his age and hypertension issue, he is worried that the insurer may refuse his application.

What does Ming CORRECTLY advise him?


The policy will likely be denied.


The policy will likely be issued with an exclusion.


The policy will likely be issued with a premium rating.


The policy will likely be issued with a lower benefit.

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Question # 37

Xander fills out a life insurance application to purchase a $75,000 policy. The policy is accepted by the insurer and delivered to him on March 3. He pays the first month’s premium upon receipt of the policy. Unfortunately, on March 9, Xander loses his job and decides that he no longer wants the policy. What will be the consequence of this cancellation?


Xander's policy will be cancelled, and he will receive a full premium refund.


Xander's policy will be cancelled, but he will not receive any premium refund.


Xander will be obligated to reinstate the policy once he finds new employment.


Xander will not be allowed to cancel the policy because he already accepted it.

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Question # 38

Trisha is new to the insurance industry and wants to understand the primary responsibility of the Canadian Insurance Services Regulatory Organizations (CISRO). Which of the followingstatements about CISRO is CORRECT?


To administer the regulatory system, applicable to insurance intermediaries.


To administer the enforcement of the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).


To help protect the integrity of the Canadian financial system.


To provide clients with assistance to their enquiries and complaints pertaining to Canadian life and health insurance products and services.

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Question # 39

Ae-Cha starts working for the manufacturer, Premier Vibe Inc., a company that offers its employees group insurance with Sprout Life Insurance. Ae-Cha meets with Devon, the group insurance representative, and learns that her group plan includes $75,000 of life insurance coverage. Ae-Cha would like to know who designates the beneficiary on the life insurance.


Premier Vibe Inc.






Sprout Life

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Question # 40

Last week, at a dinner party, Dario, an insurance agent, met Andrew, a successful businessperson with a net worth of over $10 million. Dario spent the evening following Andrew around, telling him how he could help him manage his finances. The day after the meeting, Dario sent a fruit basket to Andrew's office. Every day since, Dario has been calling and urging Andrew to meet with him and take advantage of his services and insurance products.

Which duties and obligations did Dario break?


Duties and obligations towards the public


Duties and obligations towards clients


Duties and obligations towards other representatives, firms, independent partnerships, insurers and financial institutions


Duties and obligations towards the profession

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Question # 41

Which organization provides protection for holders of segregated fund contracts in Canada if the insurer becomes insolvent?


Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation


Canadian Insurance Services Regulatory Organizations




OmbudService for Life & Health Insurance

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Question # 42

Abishola purchases segregated funds from her insurance agent Bob. Before finalizing the transaction, she tells Bob that she will need the funds in a few months to make a down payment on a condo. Later, when Abishola calls to withdraw her funds, Bob informs her that she will incur a fee for withdrawing her funds prematurely. Abishola complains to Bob, and then to Bob's supervisor, without receiving a satisfactory response. To which organization can Abishola escalate her complaint?


Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.




Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators.


OmbudService for Life and Health Insurance.

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Question # 43

When Tim and Patricia were common-law spouses, they met with an insurance agent, Aelia, to purchase life insurance policies of $100,000 each, naming each other as beneficiaries of their policies. Five years later, Patricia leaves Tim to be with her personal trainer, Thomas. A year later, Patricia and Thomas marry, and Patricia gives birth to their baby, Cedrick. Tragically, just before Cedrick's 12th birthday, Patricia dies in a fiery car crash. She never modified her beneficiary designation.

Shortly after the crash, Thomas calls Aelia to inform her that Patricia has died and that he wants to claim the death benefit on her life insurance policy.

Who will receive the $100,000 death benefit?








Patricia's estate

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Question # 44

Josh is a successful insurance agent with Smart Insurance Inc. who mentors new agents and gives them tips on how to increase their client base. He tells Clarence, a new agent, that he should send an email to close friends and family members to explain the services that he now offers. Clarence is worried about sending unsolicited promotional emails because Firash, the compliance manager, had told him that the practice is not allowed. What legislation was Firash correctly referencing?


The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).


The Privacy Act.


Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL).


The Criminal Code.

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Question # 45

Dale meets with his last appointment of a busy workday. He is helping his client Larry fill out a disability insurance claim form. Larry suffered a heart attack a week ago and is at home recuperating. Larry will be unable to work for the next 6 months and needs the benefits as soon as possible to cover his expenses. The at-home appointment takes a little longer than scheduled and Dale finds himself rushing to his son’s big hockey tournament. In his haste, he puts Larry’s form in his briefcase and subsequently forgets to submit the form. Which responsibility did Dale breach?








Duty of care

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