A 14 year-old boy has been admitted to a mental health unit for observation and treatment. The boy becomes agitated and starts yelling at nursing staff members. What should the nurse first response be?
Which of the following motions is identified with the corresponding action?
(Action- Turning palm of hand over to face in the anterior direction, dorsum of the hand is pointed downward toward the floor.)
Which of the following methods of contraception is able to reduce the transmission of HIV and other STDs?
A client is taking the fluoroquinolone Ciprofloxin for acute prostatitis. After a few doses of the agent, he develops severe muscle pain. The most likely cause of the adverse reaction is:
What do the following ABG values indicate: pH 7.38, PO2 78 mmHg, PCO2 36mmHg, and HCO3 24 mEq/L?