Choose the correct answer.
In the following bdd, A delegates both of its ports to B:
Which ibd correctly represents this?
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What is the key distinction between a profile and a meta model?
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Which statement is true when modeling generalization?
Choose the correct answer.
Given the following diagram fragment:
What is the correct way to show, on the diagram, that a Taxi has four wheels and Bus has six wheels?
Choose the correct answer.
How should a generalization set between Shape (superclass) and subclasses Polygon. Rectangle and Triangle be marked?
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A has three inputs I 1. I 2 and 13 and one output O, I1, I2. I3 and O are all of the same type A requires I1 or I2 to execute but I1 and I2 are mutually exclusive. I3 must be present tor A to begin.
Which activity diagram fragment correctly shows A with its three inputs and one output?
Choose the correct answer.
A project has produced the following initial draft sequence diagram fragment: