What are possible benefits of supplementing Scrum with Kanban practices?
(choose the best four answers)
For a specific Sprint Backlog item that has been started, what is the best chart (analytic) to
determine when it will be finished?
(choose the best answer)
Who must change the Work in Progress (WIP) Limits in the Definition of Workflow when urgent
work emerges from the Sprint?
(choose the best answer)
True or False: If you reduce your batch size, your overall efficiency will always increase.
True or False: Limiting Work in Progress (WIP) will likely reduce the amount of collaboration in
the Scrum Team.
When using Kanban, it is useful to have explicit policies. What existing elements in the Scrum Guide might be used as explicit policies?
Which of these are typically included in the Definition of Workflow policies?
(Choose the best six answers)
A Scrum Team's Definition of Workflow must have defined points at which the Scrum Team
considers work to have started and to have finished. This allows the team to track their Work in
Progress (WIP). How are these points defined?
(choose the best answer)