An organization is using Android mobile devices but does not use MDM services. Which of the following describes an existing risk present in this scenario?
Which of the following elements of a penetration testing report aims to provide a normalized and standardized representation of discovered vulnerabilities and the overall threat they present to an affected system or network?
A client asks a penetration tester to retest its network a week after the scheduled maintenance window. Which of the following is the client attempting to do?
After compromising a remote host, a penetration tester is able to obtain a web shell. A firewall is blocking outbound traffic. Which of the following commands would allow the penetration tester to obtain an interactive shell on the remote host?
During a vulnerability scan a penetration tester enters the following Nmap command against all of the non-Windows clients:
nmap -sX -T4 -p 21-25, 67, 80, 139, 8080
The penetration tester reviews the packet capture in Wireshark and notices that the target responds with an RST packet flag set for all of the targeted ports. Which of the following does this information most likely indicate?
During an assessment, a penetration tester found an application with the default credentials enabled. Which of the following best describes the technical control required to fix this issue?
An executive needs to use Wi-Fi to connect to the company's server while traveling. While looking for available Wi-Fi connections, the executive notices an available access point to a hotel chain that is not available where the executive is staying. Which of the following attacks is the executive most likely experiencing?
A penetration tester enters a command into the shell and receives the following output:
C:\Users\UserX\Desktop>vmic service get name, pathname, displayname, startmode | findstr /i auto | findstr /i /v |C:\\Windows\\" I findstr /i /v""
VulnerableService Some Vulnerable Service C:\Program Files\A Subfolder\B Subfolder\SomeExecutable.exe Automatic
Which of the following types of vulnerabilities does this system contain?