After creating a dual axis chart, make sure to synchronise their axis since they both might not be having the same y-axis.
Graphical user interface, chart, line chart
Description automatically generated
To align the two axes in a dual axes chart to use the same scale, right-click (control-click on Mac) the secondary axis, and select Synchronize Axis. This aligns the scale of the secondary axis to the scale of the primary axis.
In this example, the Sales axis is the secondary axis and the Profit axis is the primary axis.
If you would like to change which axis is the primary, and which axis is the secondary, select the field on the Columns or Rows shelf that is the secondary, and drag it in front of the primary field on the shelf until you see an orange triangle appear.
In this example, you can select the SUM(Sales) field on the Rows shelf, and drag it in front of the SUM(Profit) field. The Sales axis is now the primary and the Profit axis is the secondary.
[Reference:Â https://help.tableau.com/current/pro/desktop/en-us/multiple_measures.htm, , ]